Empower Mind


Body Flows

Take time each day to nourish your mind, body and spirit through yoga practice

Book a Class


30th September 2023 to welcome Spring Equinox

I would like to invite you to take a challenge with me which could have an incredible long lasting effect on you and also benefit me personally in a way you can’t imagine. Let me explain.

Moving meditation to transform how you may perceive yourself, your strength and your limitations


Some of you may know that my 24 year old son George has been through two cancer treatments in the last 4 years in the U.K. It is still unclear when he will be allowed to come and stay with me to recuperate further. As I went back to London to look after him each time he was in treatment, neither of us were able to work properly for extended periods of time.

By offering to hold 108 Sun Salutations ritual and guide you through it safely, I’d like to fundraise some money to enable George to hopefully travel to New Zealand soon and pay for any associated medical expenses.

Here comes the part on how this session can benefit you in a multitude of ways.

PHYSICAL - the process of doing 108 salutations may sound daunting or impossible but there are many versions and modifications at our disposal that vary in intensity. Coming to table top or Childs pose for example, for some or all the cycles is absolutely fine. Sitting some out, ending up doing 5, 10 or 50 instead of 108 also counts. Either way, you will experience a feeling of Prana, energy flow in your body that will have an invigorating effect.

MENTAL - this is referred to as moving meditation because it takes our focus and attention deeply inwards and it requires from us the will in each and every minute to stay committed, even when we’re not moving. As you progress, the chatter in the mind dissipates and eventually you are left with more clarity, lifted mood and a sense of inner strength you might not have expected

EMOTIONAL - Sun salutations help us release blocked up energy, negativity and leave us feeling grounded. You may find that your perspective on things has shifted and experience a real confidence boost. The knowledge and memory  of it can be a source of inspiration in any challenging moments later on in life.


We begin with a short warm up.

We then do 9 rounds of 12 salutations, with a couple of minutes of rest in between.

We close the practice with a long Savasana, relaxation time.

We can then stay for nourishing refreshments, exchange our impressions and experiences, laugh and cry together if that happens!


Saturday 30th of September (spring equinox takes place a week earlier and this time of the year is a good moment to shift into a new period)


From 10am to 1pm (just over 2 hours for the practice, followed by food and drink)


Large hall in Spring Creek hall, 24 Ferry Road


$45 per person

If you are in a position to contribute more than the price set or would simply like to make a donation without participating in the session, this would be greatly, greatly appreciated!

Thank you for considering this challenge, for signing up and for your contributions.

To book a spot and/or make a donation, simply email me and use the bank details below. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions, if you need more information.

Westpac account no 03-0599-0050214-000

I remain in gratitude to you all, Sabina x

New classes at Spring Creek Hall

YogaSaba has moved into Spring Creek Hall in Spring Creek!


I am excited and grateful to be able to create an inclusive space for everyone who is interested in the practice of yoga. Whatever your experience may be and whatever your reason for turning to yoga may be, I would like to make you feel welcome and understood. Do reach out if you have any questions or doubts if YogaSaba classes are for you.

New schedule is available on Classes tab.

Relaxation Eye Pillow

Lavender filled eye pillow to aid relaxation on and off the mat

I have been using an eye pillow ever since I started practising yoga as it is very difficult for me to keep my eyes closed during the resting pose at the end of the class. The weight of buckwheat groats stops my eyelids from fluttering while gentle lavender scent helps to release any muscular tension left in the body.
The YogaSaba eye pillows are handmade in New Zealand with Marlborough lavender and untreated buckwheat from Canterbury. The outer layer can be removed to wash and then fastened back on with a Velcro.
Improve your Savasana (resting pose) experience during practice or use it anytime you want to rest your eyes or simply fall asleep more easily!

Each eye pillow is $20, if you’d like to order one, please send me an email.

New Spring Creek hall schedule is now available, see in Classes tab.

Thank you!

108 Sun Salutations

You are invited to join me on Thursday 30th of December at 7.00am (6pm UK time, 7pm Europe the night before) on Zoom for a session dedicated to saying goodbye to the old and preparing to welcome the new 2022! 108 Sun Salutations may seem like an unrealistic goal but the truth is showing up with the right intention is the most important thing.

We will do 9 rounds of 12 salutations, you can modify them as much as you need to and sitting some out in a child’s pose is ok too. It’s a practice for the mind first and foremost.

The session is free of charge.

If you can afford it and would like to make a donation, your money will go towards a fee for a course I am starting in January - Oncology Yoga. As some of you may know, being able to help people affected by cancer is close to my heart and I am pursuing this specialist training to be more effective as a yoga teacher.

YogaSaba classes at Elevate Marlborough

You can now choose a Vinyasa flow class from the times below:

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

7.30am or 10.00am





All classes are general level at the moment. If you’d like to join a beginners practice, please send me an email.

 Great news - I will now be holding yoga classes at Elevate Marlborough studio!

Kicking things off with an opportunity to get to know my style, chat about all things yoga & life and support Cancer Society in the process:

Yoga Demo Weekend at Elevate Marlborough Sat & Sun 4th-5th of December

choose from either of the four sessions below:

Saturday 4th December 9am or 2pm

Sunday 5th December 10am or 4pm

To secure your place as spaces are limited, we ask for $10 payment which will be donated in full to Cancer Society in Blenheim

You will also be able to purchase a 10 class pass at a special rate of $130 only available on the day (normal price - $150)

After each class, we can have some home-made kombucha and snacks and discuss if there really is more enlightenment to be had when you’re in a headstand (you’ve probably guessed - there isn’t! 😂🙃)

This will be a gentle Vinyasa flow suitable for everyone, even if you haven’t practiced before; it will leave you feeling more balanced and prepared to tackle the week ahead

Address for Elevate Marlborough: 2/10 Stuart Street, Blenheim, 7201

Upcoming Events

Yoga Foundations & Strong Core Course

Physical Basics and Breathing Techniques

Start date: 22nd of September 2021

Duration: 6 classes

Price: $65

This 6 week series is designed to:

  • clarify and explain most commonly used yoga poses and transitions between them with emphasis on anatomical alignment; this is often not possible to address during a regular flow class

  • target deep core muscles (think of it as a form of “conscious workout”)

  • explore breathing techniques and how we can correctly use our diaphragm

What are the benefits?

  • increased awareness of your alignment on and off the mat which makes practising safer as well as improving our self-care throughout the day

  • Increased core stability which improves balance, protects from potential injuries and allows to advance safely in any physical activity

  • deeper connection with your breath ad understanding how to use it on and off the mat to benefit our minds and bodies

Who is it for?

  • anyone who has never tried yoga before and isn’t sure where to start

  • anyone who wants to refresh/consolidate their understanding of physical yoga basics

  • anyone who has been practising regularly but never had a chance to take time to understand the foundations, especially if practising at home

What is it NOT?

  • although we will look at physical aspects of yoga in the context of its full teachings (movement is just one of many ways of yoga practice), this course does not cover the foundations of yoga in terms of its history, philosophy and elements other than the physical side and various breathing techniques

How do I participate?

The classes will take place online via Zoom on Wednesdays at 6pm NZ time, 7am UK time and 8pm in Europe. Recording will be available if you cannot attend a live session.

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